An israeli BroodWar team website: HasuSkills
News Been away submitted by: HttP 15/5/03 No updated for 10 days, I'm updating stuff, Notice the strategy section has been added and team info updated SOMETHING VERY COOL, Need hebrew to see. Go HERE
Patience please submitted by: HttP 04/5/03 Been away for a few days, No updates. I am now working on the strategy section, Sorry about the limited, Very limited, rep selection, more are coming. Profiles aren't being used to the full extent, Guys come on.. This is a community site, Can't make it happen without you guys, So come on.... -HttP- out~
Additional staff submitted by: HttP 01/5/03 As you can see the site as another staff member, Meji, He will help me in the layout of the HTML support while I will focus on web design, I am upgrading the tournament system, the modifications shall be seen next week. Profiles submitted by: MeJi 28/4/03 The Profiles are now updated. go register, fill the form and send it to me... it will be shown soon in the site.. Tournament system submitted by: HttP 26/4/03 The tournament system is up, The way you submit a tournament is a bit crude, but still works. If you want to open a tournament in this site, You must send me an e-mail with the players that signed up, You must create the player list and send it to me, I'll conduct a draw and set the player brackets. For now the "tournament" link has only the skeleton view of how it will look like. We are now working on an profile system that will provide players a 'profile' such as in wgtour, of course the system is alot simpler, meaning you'll have to complete a form and send it to me, and I'll put it as a 'profile' I assume it will be done later this week. Not news, Still funny submitted by: HttP 25/4/03 I found this link in orca[yalla]'s Profile, pretty funny, Any how.. The strategies are coming slow due to unsupportive population, For you dumb people out there, That means no one helps me. The tournament section is... Well don't hold your breath on it. Ran into some "difficulties" I'll add some more maps tomorrow and some more reps, Don't get too excited, 3 maps and 3 new reps. Any reps you want me to post email me. Some More Stuff! submitted by: HttP 25/4/03 New stuff added, Notice the map section and I corrected some bugs there were in the site. Currently there are four maps to download, NO Lost Temple versions, I had enough of "TempleCraft", enjoy Upcoming Tournament submitted by: HttP 23/4/03 I'm working on a new tournament system that will allow creation of Tournaments. I believe it will be finished by the end of this week. Further more I'm working on new strategies to fill the gaps in the strategy section, Any ideas/strategies you feel like posting mail them to me and I'll look over them, Mail me More features submitted by: HttP 22/4/03 I've added some more working links, "Replays" And "Links" Are now working. Strategies are coming soon. New Webmaster submitted by: HttP 20/4/03 A new webmaster now. I'm taking over from templar, I might leave things the same but alter a few things. although the site isn't much now, It is growing. be patient |
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